Thank you to the families who have sent such wonderful updates. Very happy families as you will read! The sacrifices of long-term breeding programs are enormous with the highest dedication to upholding the breed’s values. The reward is a breed true to its heritage and strengthens as time progresses. This dedication enables the advancement of the breed. Reviews below are proof of my dedication to this amazing breed.
"Dear Michelle, Abigail & Maxwell have have exceeded our expectations in every way! From the moment we first opened their carrier it was apparent they were raised with love and affection. They are both extremely social and loving…. not at all standoffish or afraid of visitors. They follow us around the house and have slept in the bed with us every night from the very start. We are so happy we decided to get both as they give us constant entertainment! Thank You Michelle! - The Shaws"
Good morning Michelle, I just wanted you to know what a joy you have given us! She has been on my heels nonstop. We have named her Daisy Mae Barnes. She has taken over the house along with Peewee's (our 4lb Maltese) Toys. I just ordered her Ziggy Cat Wheel off your sight so thank you for that. I wouldn't have known what one to get. She's been to see my mom that has dementia and got so much loving from her and oh the smile she put on my mom's face! My living room looks like a playground. Oh, and she does outstanding on her harness. I started playing fetch with me loved to play. Hope all is well your way and again thank you much for our little joy that sleeps all night in our bed under my chin. Mrs. Barnes (Florida)
“Here are some pictures...she's a snuggle bug....big time, always wants to be in our arms or curled up right beside you. Such a wonderful personality. We can't imagine our family without her!!! She also loves water, and playing in bathtub bubbles, what a character!!!”
“I wanted to share these cute pictures of Ringo. He has really started liking going outside recently and yesterday he tried following a bird up a tree and he was so excited!! He came back inside still all amped up and needed to get on the wheel he had so much energy. Anyway- the pictures looked like he is smiling and I thought were too cute. His face is sooo adorable. He is going to look so much like his mama. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!”
“I hope you and your growing family are doing well. I just wanted to update you. Alexander is still doing great. He is happy, healthy, and spoiled!”
“The drive went great back to Florida. Romeo is as advertised, a love bug. Constant he is under my feet. will send some pictures at a later date. Thanks again”
“Just letting you know that this girl is happy as can be and feeling great. She is usually either playing or snuggling with one of us! The other two F6 girls are still not 100% happy with her (still growling at her), but she doesn’t seem to care at all! She is so sweet. We named her Millie :). Thank you again!!”
“Now at BayArea Savannahs as a quality breeding queen to be paired with another fantastic quality silver male. Thank you Cindy for picking a lovely girl to improve the breed!”
“Michelle he is an absolute unit! When he walks in the room every one is just stunned at how wild he looks. He’s as sweet today as when we got him from you. I could not be happier. I strongly believe your little girls raising him really made the difference.”
Hi Michelle, I just wanted to let you know how everyone is doing. I can’t believe it’s been four years already!! We love them as much today as when we first got them. Their playful nature has not subsided a bit. Phoebe plays fetch better than most dogs! It is her favorite game by far and she wants to play it nightly. Leo is still a total love bug. He will purr at the drop of a hat and head butt you endlessly. He and Phoebe are typical siblings. She will snuggle with him for hours and then give him a nip on the ear. Kids! Jessica is huge! She’s a big furry love ball! She is totally attached to my son and follows him everywhere and sleeps with him, snuggled as close as she can get. She is a total toy herder. She will take all the cat toys and any of the kids toys that fit through the cat door and hide them in her spot in the basement. She is a character.
“Khazi ( Titan) is so amazing. He learned to fetch and walk on a leash by watching our yorkie, Emma. He is very intelligent and loving. We definitely made the right choice.”
"Hi Michelle- Bear was named Suitcase...... it made sense, as I got to know him. Both boys from you like their names, and come, when called. Suitcase he's a little bit more careful about things but lovable, and super affectionate, all the same. Suitcase never refuses a head butt. The boys are impeccable with the cat boxes. You did a great job with training. They turn 1 year old, today! Koška is 22 pounds now, and Suitcase is almost 18. They're the same length. Thank you"
Here are the latest snaps of Cato and Cleo. They are now a year and seven months now, and I can’t imagine life without them. I’ve been a cat owner all my life, but this pair are in a class by themselves. Incredibly smart, and loving, when they choose to be lol, they are a constant source of pleasure. Not that they’re angels. A little devil lurks in each, but what can you say, they’re cats. The two best decisions I made were to go for a pair and to create an outdoor enclosure they can access whenever they please. They are enormously devoted to each other thanks to your care in raising them together once I’d chosen them. I’ve never had cats so happy together. They thunder around the house in tandem and, thanks to museum wax, the damage is minimal. They love being able to go out whenever they feel like it, and even occasionally manage to capture prey. They are very pleased with themselves when they do. They’re very much the same personalities that left you when they came to me a year and a half ago. She is always furiously engaged, as he laid back and mellow.
“I have had two severe illness in my close family in the past year and a half. Turner and Wilson saved me. I wish I could just write a book to tell you how amazing Turner and Wilson……”
After weeks of researching Savannah’s I found Michelle. She quickly won me over with her fierce confidence that her cats were well bread and well adjusted. It wasn’t long and I was off to Knoxville, all the way from Oregon. The minute I walked in the door, met her amazing family and all the kittens I knew I made the right choice. July is 5 years old now, beautiful, 21 lbs and so loyal. He can’t wait for us to get home, follows me everywhere, takes up the whole bed and is always in your lap the second you sit down! He is the highlight of my family’s day. Thank you so much Michelle!! Sincerely, Mrs.Colmone
He is my entire life and I center it around him. I would never want it any other way though! The love he gives in return is worth every single bit of it. This kid has my heart entirely…….
"Hello Michelle, here is an update on Judge. First I wanted to thank you for breeding such a wonderful animal that has become the main focus of our family. On February 28th he turned one year old, he is 16 lbs and full of love and joy. I always thought that F1's were not the most social cats however Judge loves when we have company. He even likes little children!! He loves to be held and picked up plus he is a serious lap cat. Last summer we found out that he loves swimming in our pool, we can't wait for this summer to reintroduce him to water. We have 3 Savannahs, Judge plus we have and F4 and F6. All from different breeders. Judge is definitely the most social and well adapted of the 3 which to me is surprising since he is an F1. It is a testament to your breeding and raising when he was a infant. Thank you again, much love, Sarah and Michael"

"Hello Michelle, Here are some of the latest pictures of Mr.B. I will take some more pics while he is awake and send it to you. He is such a sweet kitty! I take him with me when I travel for my job. Thank you - Super Model, Valentina Zelyaeva”